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Showing posts from 2017

7.3.17 - Independence Day

Hello Everybody!  These last couple of weeks have been pretty great, and super busy.  We're still tryin to get to know our area-it's pretty big haha. But it is super beautiful here, and I love it. LOVE IT. Tezoyuca is incredible, and super green.  Basically it's the greatest.  We had our Conference this last week and it was wonderful.  The Spirit was super strong and I am loving being a missionary. I have learned so many things, and especially the last few weeks as a trainer, I feel like I've learned even more.  My testimony and love for missionary work continues to grow, and I am more and more grateful each day for the opportunity to be here.  We have challenges, but we grow so much more from them, and always come out on top. It has been an incredible process for me to see how much my companion, Sister Diaz is already progressing in her testimonies and being.  She was already an incredible young woman when she came, but now, and with ea...

6.12.17 - I'm going to be a mom!!!!

Haha Hello everyone!  Yes, if all of you are worried about the subject line. It's true. I'm going to be a mom! I'm going to be training a new missionary. I don't know who or when I'm going to meet her, but it's going to be today and I am so excited and nervous. On top of that, I'll be opening an area... which means I have no idea where anything is in the new area haha!  I am seriously so excited though. I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach, but especially to learn! It's going to be so much fun and I can't wait to get started. We're going to be meeting the new missionaries later today and then we'll be headed to our new area. It's called Desayuca... or something like that. Not entirely sure, but it's going to be tons of fun!!!! I've already heard tons of wonderful things about my new area and I can't wait to get started.  Also, some more exciting news, we had a baptism here this last Saturday and holy smokies ...

6.5.17 - Sundays are the best days

Don´t have much time to write this week. Sorry everyone haha. We have been running around all day like chickens without their heads.  I did want to share a couple pictures with you. I bought a cover for my scriptures that is pretty bomb. One of the sisters in the ward made it for me. and I´m pretty super duper happy with it.  Also, we have two baptisms planned for this week. We are super excited for them!! I´ll be sure to send pictures next week.  This week we had more investigators at church than we have ever had and I was super happy for that. I´m loving the mission life and the Lord´s work.  I love you all so much, and I hope you have a wonderful week! Hopefully next week I´ll have more time to write :)  Love,  Hermana Brinton

5.29.17 - Hey Fam Bam!

Hope all of you are doing great :)  Mexico is wonderful, and every day it´s a little hotter here hahaha. We are currently waiting for the rain season. :) This last week has flown. We are finding new people every week, and it is seriously wonderful.  We have a family that is preparing to be baptized this next week or the following week, so we are super excited for them. Since we began teaching them, I have already seen a huge difference in them. There is a new light in their eyes and every time we visit them I just want to cry and hug them because it´s the best thing ever.  My companion and I are doing wonderfully. We seriously get along super well and it´s the best thing ever. I can finally crack jokes in spanish... well. only with my companion because the only jokes I know are in english and I have to explain a little bit, but she laughs.... even if it is only out of courtesy ;) But truly, we get along great haha :) We´re learning lots from one another, and ha...

5.22.16 - Savior, Redeemer of My Soul

First off, I would like to invite you all to watch and listen to this song. It´s beautiful, and has made a huuuuuge difference in my week.   This week has been full of just about everything. It has been a roller coaster of a week. haha we started out super great, and we had 5 people ready to be baptized here in the coming couple weeks. We visited two of them, and the mom let us know that they´re going to be moving to Acapulco before their baptismal date. We visited the other two, and they´re going to be moving to no-body-knows-where, and the last one wasn´t able to attend church on Sunday and his date fell. We have continued to visit the first two, and they are so incredibly strong and are doing wonderfully. They attended church and so many prayers were answered with them... Seriously. We are so grateful for them and that they want to be baptized. They´re progressing wonderfully, and the mom said that they´re going to be attending church again this coming week! We´re hoping...

6.19.17 - First Week of Training

Well I'm going to consider this week a success. One of the best and most stressful weeks of my life. But I loved every minute of it :D My new companion is suuuuuper awesome and we get along like peas in a pod. She is from the Dominican Republic and she speaks English :D so I'm pretty happy that I get to practice my English every once and a while. Especially because my brain was forgetting how to talk. I don't know how to explain it .... I can think in English, and write in English, but talking en English has become more difficult than I'd like to admit. but it's fine hahaha :D We practice every once and a while and it's pretty wonderful.  We are in Tezoyuca and it is super beautiful here. There are tons of trees and the mountains are covered in green. I feel right at home :) The members here are wonderful, and they love visiting investigators with us. So everybody is happy.   This last week was full of meeting new people, getting to know the area and ...

5.15.17 - 6 MONTHS!!!!!!!

Yes everyone, that´s correct. I have SIX MONTHS!!!! And I seriously cannot believe it! Time has flown like you wouldn't believe. I feel like I got here yesterday, and now I¨m already a third of the way through my mission.  They say that after you have six months, 9 months comes super quick, and then the second half of your mission flies.  I am so grateful for the six months that I have here, and all that I've already learned. I´m excited to see what the next year brings. I love my mission so much and I am so grateful that I´m here.  This week has been an exceptionally good one. We've been finding lots of new people to teach, and families.  The work is hastening and I¨m so grateful that we get to be a part of it!! LOOOOOVE IT!!! :D This last week we had an activity for Mother´s Day, and we had soooo many people come. It was awesome! We also had the opportunity to watch a few Mexican dances that were incredible. Hopefully I can upload one of the videos :) I...

5.8.17 - He Sends Blessings, He Sends Blessings

Hello All!!!!  I hope you´re all doing wonderfully and enjoying every day!  This last week, we had some pretty special experiences. We we´re talking to a less active this last week, who is also a returned missionary, and he gave us some awesome ideas for finding new people, and achieving our goal of a baptism every week. One of the members of our ward lost her brother this last week in a horrible accident... and when we visited her, her sadness was apparent, but her testimony was shining like a light. I know that my testimony of the Plan of Salvation grew a mile in our visit with her, and I´m so grateful for the knowledge and testimony I have of it. We´re finding new people each week, and we´re starting to work even more with the ward to keep the work moving forward. We had a conference with our mission president yesterday about ward counsel and how we can work together better. We also had a change in the number of times our investigators need to attend chu...

05.01.17 - Transfers!

So Hermana Can and I didn't have transfers this week and we are suuuuper happy about that. We'll be sticking here together until June!!! There is never a dull moment with her. haha teaching is absolutely wonderful, and we're finding new people every week. The work is hastening and I love being a part of it!  This last week we had a conference on Family History... or maybe it was two weeks ago, I truthfully don't remember. But! I want to encourage all of you to get to work on your family history! It's so incredible the Spirit that we can feel, and the protective power that we receive.  I just want to let you all know how much I love you and how grateful I am for all of you. I know that missionary work is the work of God, and that we're living in the latter days. I am so grateful to be here and sharing this message with the people we meet every day.  Things to remember for this week:  1. Every member is a missionary 2. All things work out in the end...

04.24.17 - Press Forward With Faith and Steadfastness in Christ

Hello friends and family!!! We're doing great here in Mexico. every week is a little hotter, and the raining season will be coming here pretty quick.  :) this last week was pretty wonderful. Every week just keeps getting better and better. I love this work so much, and that I get to be a missionary in this time.   This last Sunday, we got to talk in sacrament meeting about missionary work, and what Gordon B. Hinckley wrote about it in "The Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley", and it was pretty great. I want to encourage all of you to read his book... it's wonderful :) I love it. After speaking, we sang "I'll go where you want me to go" and yours truly got to play the piano. haha Wasn't the first time playing in our ward, but yeah. It was lots of fun :) hahaha. I am loving the field and getting to serve and teach with Hermana Can. She is such a sweetheart, and we teach great together.  This week, we shared the video from Easter with one of th...

04.17.17 - Tengo Gozo en Mi Alma Hoy

Doing wonderfully here in Mexico!!! I´m sorry this isn't going to be super long, but I just wanted to say "hola" and that I hope all is well in Springville.  This past week was especially special because we got to remember the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that he came, died, and was resurrected. I know that He lives, and because He lives, we can live again. I am so grateful for His love, and for all that He has done for me. He is my Savior, and Redeemer, and I will be forever grateful for all that He does, and has done for me.  I love you all so much! I want to invite all of you to continue remembering Him, and not only for this past  Sunday . He lives, and because of Him, we will live again. Take care! Be safe!  Love you all,  Hermana Brinton 

04.10.17 - (I couldn't think of a subject, but this is for the peeps) ;)

This past week was wonderful, we contacted lots of people and we have a couple people set for a baptismal date! The only thing they need to do is attend church, pray, read the scriptures, and learn for themselves. I love being a missionary and getting to help others come to Christ. And I especially love when they look back on their lives- at the beginning of our lessons, and now where we´re at in our lessons, and how much they´ve progressed and changed in that time. I love it. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. It´s the greatest. I love getting to see the spirit working in their hearts and lives, and then when they recognize that spirit. It´s the best. I love getting to see how much I've changed…. I feel like I was a pretty good person before my mission, but now, I just want to be even better in every aspect of my life. I love everyone, and I am so happy all the time. The love for the people here that I feel is indescribable, and I know that it´s the love of our Heavenly Father. I´m learning ...

04.03.17 - Conferencia General ♥

Hello friends and family! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend watching General Conference. I sure know I did. This conference was so incredible! I felt like every talk had something special just for me, and holy smokies were the messages powerful.  I was able to watch all of the sessions, but one, in English so I was pretty happy about that. But I believe that the session that we watched in Spanish was more powerful than the others for me. Because I´m still learning the language, there were a few things I didn't understand completely, but the things I understood touched my heart with the Spirit on a whole different level. And the message that President Monson had for all of us... Short, but so powerful.  I am so grateful for the opportunity we have every six months to listen to the prophets voice, and hear our Heavenly Fathers voice through him. I know that every talk is divinely prepared for us. I know that in ever talk, there´s something special that we can use to lea...

3.27.17 - Fotos porque no tengo tiempo (Pictures cause I don't have time)

Hello Fam and Friends!  I am so sorry I don't have much time to write today, but here are a couple pictures :)  We're alive and doing well here in Chilpancingo, I love it and I love my companion. We get along great hahah :)  Always praying for you!  Don't forget to watch conference this week. The women's session was incredible!!! Love you all!  Hermana Brinton Me and Sister Can Fruit Smoothies!!!

3.21.17 - Primera Cambios en el Campo!

Hola!  Okay, so we had transfers today, and guess who I'm with?! That's right, Hermana Can from Cuernavaca. She is such an angel! I loved our one day together back in January, and I'm super excited to actually get to work with her for reals this time haha.  We're doing great here in our little area of Sauces! We contacted lots of people this last week, like lots and lots. and we have new investigators! I love when we have new investigators. Because it means we get to teach! And the lessons are always my favorite :) We have a lot of people to contact this coming week as well.  All in all, the work is coming along great, and I feel like I'm becoming more and more the missionary that my Heavenly Father wants me to be.  I feel like I'm learning more and more each day and it's wonderful! I'm grateful for the time I had with Hermana Rosales, and all that I learned from her. And I'm excited to get to learn even more with my new companion.   Every...

3.14.17 - There is Sunshine in My Soul Today

Buenas tardes mi familia!! Y amigos! :)  I hope all of you are doing splendidly. This past week, lots happened and I'm so excited to tell you all about it, but I don't have a ton of time so buckle your seat belts. It's probably going to be a little rough.  We found some new people to teach, and the lessons went awesome. They didn't come to church though, so that was pretty sad. Because of the area we were teaching in, there were lots and lots and lots of bugs. Don't worry mom, I always wear lots of bug spray, but the little nasties here are pretty persistent.... and that's what happened with my legs. Nothing poisonous bit me (that I'm aware of hahaha) and I feel fine so no worries :) My legs are "muy fayo" as of this point with the bites they left me with.  One of the ones on my ankle is from a spider btw. But I'm happy and we're doing awesome here!  This is my last week of the 12 week program they have for us to do in the field,...